JNKA performed a facility assessment and developed a long-range Master Plan for the Park Ridge Presbyterian Church that includes a new Main Entrance/Gathering Space addition; a renovated and expanded chancel platform in the Sanctuary, featuring a new choir space and ascending A/V projection screen; handicap accessibility improvements, including a new elevator and restrooms; and additional renovations to the existing Sanctuary, Lounge, and lower level Preschool Classrooms. JNKA is currently assisting the church with interior life safety improvements and the design of new exterior entrance doors as initial steps toward the realization of the Master Plan.
JNKA-Illinois (Chicago Office)
250 S Northwest Hwy, Suite 310
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Email: dkuhlman@jnka-architects.com
Ph: 847-692-6166 Ext. 223
JNKA-Texas (Austin Office)
8911 North Capital of Texas Hwy., Ste. 4200
Austin, TX 78759
Email: info@jnka-architects.com
Ph: 737-232-6610
JNKA-Florida (Ocala Office)
6317 NE 61st Ave. Rd.
Silver Springs, FL 34488
Email: smaish@jnka-architects.com
Ph: 352-713-4004
JNKA-Nevada (Las Vegas Office)
1700 Kiltie Way
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Email: info@jnka-architects.com
Ph: 847-692-6166 Ext. 223