United Methodist Church, Libertyville, IL


About This Project

UMCL, located in the heart of downtown Libertyville, selected JNKA to create a new entry into their existing facility that would be readily identifiable and easily accessible to the community that it has served for over 100 years and renovate the Sanctuary to accommodate both traditional and contemporary worship services. A new radial canopy identifies the new main entrance, leading into an enlarged and remodeled narthex that provides much needed room to congregate before and after services and improves circulation between the existing education wing and remodeled sanctuary. The focus of the Sanctuary renovation was improving the character and functionality of the space. Horizontal elements between the existing columns introduce a much needed human scale in the massive volume and conceal new LED accent lighting. The most dramatic addition is the large faceted glass window, introducing color, diffused natural light and a welcome focal point into the space. The new accessible chancel platform increases the visibility of the pastors, choir and praise band. New wood pews and moveable chairs, flooring, paint, complete audio/visual system and lighting complete the improvements to the character and feel of the space.